EM880-R: The magnetic extrusion is a strontium ferrite magnetic powder within a thermo-plastic binder that is extruded through a die to create a specific profile which is then magnetised multiple-pole on one surface.
The magnetic extrusion has one magnetic face and can be put against itself as pairs to magnetically attract to itself (self-mating). The maximum operating temperature of the magnetic extrusion is +80 degrees C – above this temperature the binder starts to soften causing the magnetism to fail as it de-magnetises as the magnetic domains re-align to cancel themselves out.
FM661 & FM665: Flexible magnetic tape is a thin extruded material comprising ofstrontium ferrite magnetic powder within a thermo-plastic binder. The flexible magnetic rubber tape (as it is also known) will attract to magnetically receptive surfaces such as mild steel, ferromagnetic stainless steel and other high magnetic permeability materials (e.g. iron). It is usually magnetised on one face only (multiple pole across the width), and can attract to itself, but only the mating versions give perfect alignment.
The flexible magnetic rubber tapes have a maximum recommended operating temperature of +80 degrees C – above this temperature the thermo-plastic (rubber) binder starts to soften causing a demagnetisation as the magnetic domains realign to cancel themselves out.